[Deutsche Version] [Tournament plan] [Rules and Regulations] [Ramsch]

1. Congress Skat Tournament


Hi, great that you are interested in the Skat tournament. To ensure that the event is fun for everyone and fair, here are a few explanations. The most important thing first: the tournament is organized according to the International Skat Rules and the Skat Competition Rules (see International Skat Rules). Most official tournaments take place according to these regulations.

The tournament at the Congress is a fun tournament. It's all about honor and a few small prizes. Here you can try out whether skat tournaments are for you, without being under pressure to perform, or simply indulge in your passion for Skat. Of course, everyone wants to win, but success in Skat depends not only on strategy, but also a little on card luck. The winner of the tournament is the player who knows best how to score the most points with the cards at his/her disposal.

Anyone who has access to 37c3 on the date in question may take part in the tournament. The only requirement is that the rules of the game of Skat must be mastered in a fundamentally playable manner so that a smooth and fair game can be guaranteed for everyone. The level of playing experience is not important.

A non-binding registration takes place at Nuudel from DigitalCourage e.V.

The tournament will take place on Thursday at 7 pm in Hall D.

The latest developments regarding the preparations and the start of the tournament will be published on Mastodon under the tag #37c3Skat (German only, sorry).

The following pages are the basis of the tournament:

[Deutsche Version]